WOW! What year is it? Have I been in hibernation since 2020?! Time to rise up and get back to watching and reviewing some movies! Grand adventures in historical fiction are just so fun even if they aren’t 100% based… Continue Reading →
James Bond. Agent 007. That is a name that almost the entire world can easily recognize. He’s suave, sophisticated, and just such a cool character. Who do you picture when you hear someone introduce themselves as Bond…James Bond? Can you… Continue Reading →
I really enjoy watching trailers for movies, they really have one job: to make you want to see the movie being previewed. Suburbicon had a very intriguing vibe based on those trailers. It appeared to be a gritty, dark, noir… Continue Reading →
Sometimes the hype for a movie can be built up so high that it can’t possibly reach those lofty expectations. There can be many factors that lead to hype: good actors, great premise, and captivating previews among other things. I… Continue Reading →
I first saw this classic comedy when I was a kid, although I am not quite sure exactly how old I was. What I am sure of is that I was not interested at all in watching it. If not… Continue Reading →
When you think of a modern classic movie, what comes to mind? I would hope that The Departed winds up on the short list in most of your minds. This movie combines everything you would want: a phenomenal cast playing… Continue Reading →
I can remember seeing this movie in theaters and now it’s celebrating a 10 year anniversary, seems like a fitting time to write a review about it. This review may contain spoilers. I know not everyone is a Will Ferrell fan,… Continue Reading →
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